Administrative teams can get taken for granted, but they’re actually the glue that holds your office together. Without them, no department would operate efficiently and your office would be chaos—where paper jams, unanswered calls and lack of motivation rule. Time to prioritize your office team!
Maybe a valuable office manager left. Maybe you need a few temps to fill in a gap. Maybe your business is growing and you must hire some full-time admins. Whatever the case, there are three key factors moving forward: talent options, the right fit and long-term stability.
It sort of goes without saying, but the more job candidates you can access, the better chance you have of finding the right fit (both personality wise and skill wise) and retaining them for years to come.
Sounds like a piece of cake, right? Well, think again. Nowadays, lots of candidates already have jobs, so finding them, appealing to them and keeping them is a chore. Rest easy though, because we’re here to help.